Anyway, here's the source code for the server. Download it, compile it with "javac", and then run it with "java Connection <hostname>", replacing <hostname> with your computer's hostname. If you're not sure what your computer's hostname is, just use localhost as the hostname. Then, open your favorite IRC client, connect to "", and join any channel you want. You can switch nicks, set the channel's topic (even though you're not a channel op), and other users can connect, join channels, and chat with you. Sending messages directly between users also works. Modes do not, however (channels always act as if they are mode +nt, no matter what you set their mode to be, but anyone can change the topic even though the channels have +t present). I'm hoping to add more functionality to this server soon.

can't figure out how to sue it.
What port does it use? I ahve it in a jar and it's running, just can't figure what port it's on.
So, I was looking through the code, and I decided I wanted to make a command. I found a bit where it said Command CommandObject = null; blah blah blah but I couldn't figure out how it processed the different commands and how I could add one.
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